Handled by our partner at Fidelis

Neale Etheridge
Senior Claims Adjuster

Neale Etheridge joined Fidelis in 2021 from Swiss Re Corporate Solutions . Neale has over 35 years of experience working in both the Lloyds and Company markets and has a wealth of knowledge of Marine and Energy claims, dealing with a multitude of lines of business within the sector including; Marine (Hull & Cargo), Energy (On/Offshore) and Aviation. Neale is an active participant on the Joint Marine Claims Committee (JMCC) and the International Cargo Insurance Conference (ICIC).

Neil Keeble
Senior Claims Adjuster

Neil is a Senior Claims Adjuster on The Fidelis Partnership. He joined in November 2023 and works on the Property Direct & Facultative team. Neil brings more than 30 years of insurance industry experience, focusing on a variety of classes of business including Property D&F, Real Estate, Energy, Contingency, Fine Art & Specie and Marine. He began his career at Aon later joining a Lloyd’s syndicate. After this, Neil was at Sedgwick for 18 years, focusing on developing the claims underwriting team. Prior to joining Fidelis MGU, he worked at Everest handling its Lloyd’s and non-bureau business.

For claims handling, please contact:

londonclaims@fidelispartnership.com (UK & RoW)

irelandclaims@fidelispartnership.com (EU & EEA)
